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Roxanne Munoz

Superstar Consultant

(505) 730-4339

My Story

I am a 33-year-old mom of three beautiful crazy boys. I am your everyday mom I have my moments of crazy but I love every moment of it. Since I battle depression and anxiety I have always enjoyed the power of fragrance to lift my mood and change my mindset. My goal is to inspire others to put self-care first and make memories because that's all that really matters in the long run. I enjoy making new connections outside the home since I work from home with Verizon doing IT and Scentsy. I married into a huge family that is as close as I could ever imagine a family to be and I love every minute of it! I am currently a Super Star Consultant on the edge of Director building my Scentsy empire as far as I can. My goal is to enjoy even more flexibility in my days to avoid the regret of wondering how my kids grew up so fast or asking where did the time go. I want to enjoy my boys before they grow up and don't want to cuddle with mom anymore and my Scentsy business has shown me to be successful in achieving these goals.

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